Our character, Billy, owes a huge debt to the boss of a Mining Company! So the boss lets him work for him but Billy is a person who is so clumsy so he damaged company's property and his debt gets bigger! Now he needs to endure against The Boss's endless tasks and mobbing. Maybe he will discover another way to get rid of his Boss?

The Boss is someone who doesnt care about ethics. The only thing he cares is money and hisself. Besides, the importance of  the rawness of minerals, we wanted to represent how could a person be so raw, like The Boss.

Controls: Left Click

Our core mechanic is finding minarels with different rawness value based on the Bosses tasks. There are some enemies in the mine, so player needs to hide from them while trying to find minerals with higher rawness value. 

Still In Development Process:
We are designing a system where player becomes frustrated with the Boss and we want to motivate player to find other ways to get rid of his boss. So we will put some hints inside the map and player will find other ways while without making his boss notice what Billy is planning.

We will add some Mine Axe improvements with the minerals that player could hide from his boss. So player will be able to mine faster with minerals which have higher rawness value.

Right now, our game could seem "raw" but isnt it the theme of the jam?

We will continue to develop the game after game jam, we hope it will be better experience for all of us. 

It was the first time we worked with Phaser, so we had some difficulties which was a great experience for us. We didnt know, we could use Unity, so things that was easier for us becomes a little bit challenging.

All assests are taken from opengameart.org . We are sorry that we couldnt mentioned their names since our asses folder is a mess. Thank you with all our hearts!

Thank you for your time!

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